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Charter of PRIOR Coordinating Board

Approved by PRIOR Organizational Conference
Moscow, November 29, 2001  

1. Goal

1.1. The Coordinating Board of the Russian e-Development Partnership (hereinafter referred to as the Partnership or PRIOR) is established to provide strategic management of the Partnership's activity and represents the chief administrative body of the Partnership.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. The responsibilities of PRIOR Coordinating Board (hereinafter referred to as the Coordinating Board) include the following:

  • Making changes to the membership of the Coordinating Board, electing its Chairman and distributing responsibilities among its members;
  • Determining the growth strategy and crucial directions for developing PRIOR's activity;
  • Making changes and additions to the Memorandum of PRIOR creation;
  • Endorsing the annual work plans and PRIOR activity reports;
  • Approving the projects and events to be completed by PRIOR based upon the recommendations of the Expert Council;
  • Approving the organizational structure of PRIOR and charters of its separate components; making decisions about appointing and dismissing the Head of PRIOR Directorate; making decisions about changes to the Partnership organizational structure; and
  • Discussing the problems and issues of PRIOR's activity.

2.2. The questions relating to changing PRIOR organizational structure, determining the major lines of activities and principles of forming and utilizing PRIOR's budget resources, and appointing and dismissing the Head of the Coordinating Board are the exclusive responsibility of the Coordinating Board.

3. Conditions of Participation

3.1. The condition of participation in the Coordinating Board is providing substantial annual financial contribution or equivalent organizational, equipment, informational, consulting, or other support:

  • A minimum of $10,000 annual contribution for the companies representing large businesses;
  • A minimum of $5,000 annual contribution for the companies representing medium and small businesses;
  • A minimum of $2,500 annual contribution for the nonprofit organizations.

4. Membership

4.1. The initial membership of the Coordinating Board of PRIOR was determined by the decision of the PRIOR Organizational Conference based upon the suggestions from PRIOR's participating organizations. The subsequent changes to the membership of the Coordinating Board are made by the Board itself.

4.2. The Board membership should be balanced in terms of the number of representatives from the key development communities - government, business, civil society, research and education community, donors and investors, as well as the coordinating organizations in the Russian regions. In order to fulfill this balance requirement the equal shares are determined for the representation of each community. The decision about representative groups and maximum number of Coordinating Board members is made at the Organizational Conference and annual conferences of PRIOR.

4.2. The Coordinating Board elects Deputy Chairmen carrying out the Chairman's functions, on his behalf, in the case of his absence.

4.3. The Head of the Coordinating Organization of PRIOR is ex officio member of the Coordinating Board.

4.4. The delegate representatives of the Regional Coordinating Organizations (RCOs) are members of the Coordinating Board, according to the adopted representation scheme.

5. Board Term

5.1. The Coordinating Board is elected for a three-year term with a mandatory rotation of 30% of its members over the course of its functioning.

6. Board Management

6.1. The Coordinating Board elects its chair and his/her deputies.

6.2. The Chair of the Coordinating Board is elected for a three-year term with a right to be reelected for future terms. The Chair of the Coordinating Board can be dismissed from his/her position before the expiration of the term by the decision of the Coordinating Board. The Chair of the Coordinating Board is ex officio member of the Supervisory Board of PRIOR.

6.3. The deputies of the Chair of the Coordinating Board fulfill his/her responsibilities, on his/her behalf, in the case of his/her absence.

6.4. The Chair of the Coordinating Board organizes and manages the work of the Board, assembles and chairs the meetings, organizes the record-keeping during the official meetings.

7. Work Procedures

7.1. The official meetings of the Coordinating Board are held on an as-needed basis but not less than once a month.

7.2. The official meetings of the Coordinating Board are assembled by its Chair or by the request of at least one-third of the members of the Coordinating Board.

7.3. The meetings of the Coordinating Board are considered official if more than half of its members are present. The decisions of the Coordinating Board are adopted by majority voting of the members present at the meeting. In case of a tie voting result, the Chairmen's vote becomes a deciding vote. The decisions that are the exclusive responsibility of the Coordinating Board should be approved by not less than two-thirds of the present Board members.

7.4. If needed, the members of the Coordinating Board can participate in the Board meetings with the help of the ICT or can delegate their right to vote to another member of the Coordinating Board.

7.5. The Coordinating Board must discuss every issue presented by the Supervisory Board of PRIOR and make a decision regarding this issue.

7.6. The Coordinating Board itself determines its responsibilities and activities regarding the items and issues which are not included in this Charter.

7.7. Members of the Coordinating Board participate in its work on a voluntary basis.

8. Changes to this Charter

8.1. Changes to this Charter are introduced by the Coordinating Board itself.

Last updated: 2007-10-09
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