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3. PRIOR Strategic Vision, Goals and Objectives
3.1. PRIOR Approaches to Forming the National e-Development Strategy
3.2. PRIOR Positioning
3.3. Main Lines of PRIOR Activities
3.3.1. Online Activity
3.3.2. Offline Activity
3.4. PRIOR Goals and Objectives
3.5. PRIOR Mission

The context shaping the PRIOR activity, which was described in the previous section, differs from the conditions in both the developed countries and the developing countries. The specific Russian situation requires developing it own vision of development directions.

3.1. PRIOR Approaches to Forming the National e-Development Strategy

The official strategic documents, mid-term governmental program of socio-economic development for the next few years and statements of the Russian government officials identify two major objectives that are to be achieved for sustainable socio-economic development of Russia:

  1. Diverging from the de-facto national development scenario of Russia serving as a supplier of raw materials to the world market and shifting the focus of the economic and export structures towards industries with high added value; and
  2. Increasing the competitiveness of the national economy and ensuring rapid and sound economic growth.

Russia faces the necessity to mobilize such an important and renewable resource as information and knowledge for its sustainable economic growth.

A strategic document entitled The Main Aspects of the Russia's Long-Term Social and Economic Development was approved by the government in 2001. It contains some items dealing with the strategy for Russia's development in the Information Age. However, they are integrated into a very broad context of problems for Russia's development and are not clearly formulated or systematized. The Program of Russia's Medium-Term Socio-Economic Development (2003-2005) was adopted by the Russian Federal Government in August 2003. It clearly states that the level of country's level of development, well-being of the community, potential economic dynamics will be largely determined by the level of knowledge rather than by mere presence of natural resources.

As part of the national strategy of Russia's socio-economic development it is necessary to clearly identify the priorities concerning the development of the Information Society and the Knowledge Economy. It is also important that the main directions for reforms stated in the aforementioned strategic document (educational, business environment reforms, development of the financial system and others) be supplemented by such items as development of efficient national innovation system and building the national information infrastructure.

Development of the Information Society in Russia requires a proactive government policy and reallocation of "natural rent" (income from the use of natural resources) from the mining industries to science, education, information and communication technologies, and support for innovations. At the same time, a simple redistribution of funds is not sufficient. It is necessary to accomplish a number of tasks, including the reform of science and education, the creation of infrastructure and legal framework that would support commercial use of applied scientific research and design work, development of the information and communication infrastructure, etc. The accomplishment of these large-scale tasks is only feasible within the framework of a coordinated and efficient policy based on a thoroughly designed strategy and a program of the development of the Information Society.

Such a document could become an important supplement and an extension of the adopted strategy of Russia's long-term socio-economic development; it would clearly reflect Russia's political will to follow a clear development scenario in the context of emerging Information Society.

Taking into account the specifics of the Russian situation and drawing from the international experience in this area, it is possible to identify several basic conditions that should be created through the national strategy of transition to the Information Society and developing the Knowledge Economy. It is necessary to ensure the presence of the following aspects:

  1. Favorable regulatory and business environment facilitating the use of the existing knowledge and producing new knowledge and supporting entrepreneurship [15];
  2. Modern ICT infrastructure; widespread use of ICT; competitive industries of information services and knowledge production;
  3. Human capital including the critical mass of people possessing knowledge, skills and ability to participate in the development of the Information Society and Knowledge Economy; and
  4. Efficient national innovation system representing a network of structures utilizing the growing wealth of global knowledge, assimilating and adapting it to local needs as well as creating new knowledge and technologies.

The strategy of transitioning to the Information Society should determine "horizontal" and "vertical" directions of the economic policy (or the combination of these directions), identify the measures of functional interference into the market processes, and explore other possibilities of influencing the developmental process.

An important factor determining the success of this strategy is active participation and close collaboration in its development and implementation of all forces of the Russian community interested in postindustrial development. Hence, it is plausible to talk about the national strategy and to invite all driving forces of the society to participate in its development and implementation - the business, government, research and education community, institutes of the civil society, sponsoring organizations. This corresponds to the modern approaches and international practice.

The realization of the national strategy will require development and effective implementation of one or several of the interrelated programs, which would supplement the existing federal programs, such as "eRussia (2002-2010)" and "Creation of an Integrated Educational Information Environment." The next step would entail the development and implementation of regional strategies and programs of development concurrent with the new national strategy.

3.2. PRIOR Positioning

On the one hand, PRIOR is an integral part of the World Bank initiative on creating national development gateways [16], on the other hand, it is a national community initiative aimed at supplementing the present governmental and non-governmental programs and projects directed at developing different components of the Russian Information Society. PRIOR recognizes the importance of participating in the most crucial programs of development communities, including governmental programs. These initiatives include the federal target program "eRussia (2002-2010)", city target program "e-Moscow", program "e-St.Petersburg" and others.

The key project of PRIOR is creating the (RuDG) as an environment for partner interaction aimed at achieving common goals and a tool for integrating expert knowledge in the sphere of development.

Essentially, PRIOR is an organized space for resolving problems related to Russia's transition to the Information Society, and the RuDG is an informational basis and a platform for exchanging ideas and practical experience of the participants.

For the first time an alliance in Russia offered to consider all the development communities to be equal partners attempting to achieve common social goals. At the same time, the traditional Russian perception remains of seeing government as the sole ‘decision maker' and, consequently, being singly responsible for the results of these decisions. PRIOR views the government as one of several key development communities playing its role together with business, civil society, research and education community, and sharing responsibility for the accomplishment of coordinated decisions. At the same time, PRIOR completes its activities in accordance with the policy developed and adopted by the Russian government and renders assistance to the government.

The Partnership is oriented towards the international practice of partnership and partnership networks construction as an important tool of transition to the Information Society and Knowledge Economy. PRIOR participates in the following international network initiatives:

  • Program (DG);
  • ( UN ICT Task Force ) and its regional networks, in particular, (UN ICT TF EuCAs);
  • (GKP).

Taking into account the size of the country and substantial differences in the levels of the socio-economic and demographic development of its regions, special attention will be paid to the regional aspects of the Partnership activity.

Within the system of various initiatives aimed at the development of the Information Society in Russia, PRIOR's role is positioned as follows:

  • A platform for cooperation between different participants of the development process;
  • The creator of the Russia Development Gateway - a distributed, easily accessible knowledge warehouse accumulating the most important information regarding development and providing efficient navigation over the existing resources related to development issues;
  • A forum for a national dialogue on development issues;
  • A leading expert and analytical center on the development issues;
  • A center supporting innovative projects related to using ICT for development;
  • A center supporting efforts to bridge the digital divide in Russia, in particular in remote and rural areas; and
  • An instrument of developing a positive image of modern Russia for the international community.

The Partnership is open to everybody interested in contributing to the process of Russia's transition to the Information Society and Knowledge Economy; it provides independent and politically neutral platform for cooperation, expressing ideas and putting forth the proposals, and offering constructive criticism.

3.3. Main Lines of PRIOR Activities

PRIOR Strategy is based on combining several lines of activity, both online and offline.

3.3.1. Online Activity

This kind of activity is related to the use and expansion of the functional capacity of the Portal. The RuDG Portal is viewed as a multidimensional and multifunctional information system, which allows to:

  • Accumulate and efficiently use the international expert knowledge and practical information dealing with development in general and with the use of ICT in all spheres of human activity;
  • Support an environment for collaboration between the participants of the Partnership and provide platform for discussion, exchange of opinions, and conflict resolution; and
  • Establish various online services for users and clients of the Russia Development Gateway, such as forums, consulting centers, market places, virtual educational environment, digital libraries, etc.

3.3.2. Offline Activity

This direction of activity implies development and expansion of online functions and services of the RuDG in the form of specific offline activities. At the same time, various kinds of offline activities corresponding to the PRIOR mission will be taken into account or used by the RuDG. These functions include the following key activities:

  • Informational, analytical and consultative activity aimed at providing high-quality expert knowledge and services related to the ICT and knowledge application for development using the potential of the Partnership;
  • Developing recommendations on improving the policy and legislative basis for the development of the Information Society, taking into account the opinions of the key players in the sphere of development;
  • Innovative activity of supporting promising projects in the sphere of ICT and knowledge use for development in the priority areas;
  • Publishing and awareness raising activity intended to promote the potential of ICT for development and explanation of the advantages of living and working in the Information Society; and
  • Public activity intended to form a nation-wide partnership and an open forum on development.

Based upon the aforementioned strategic directions of activity, PRIOR goals and objectives are formulated next, and a strategy for the Partnership's activity in the main spheres is defined as well.

3.4. PRIOR Goals and Objectives

PRIOR is a voluntary association of organizations and individuals joining their efforts and resources, providing mutual information, technological, advisory, organizational, and other types of support to achieve common goals and objectives.

PRIOR strives to ensure the dynamic and full-fledge Russia's development in the context of the global Information Society and creation of the Knowledge Economy in Russia.

PRIOR activity is directed at supporting:
  • Development of an economic and legal regime that will enable Russia to obtain a prominent position among the developed countries as a result of the effective use of new technologies, utilizing its intellectual potential and scientific and cultural resources;
  • Creation of a new public culture including citizens' participation in the development and implementation of the most important decisions influencing social life;
  • Bridging the socio-economic gap by providing the access to socially valuable sources of information and services to all citizens;
  • Raising the standard of life by expanding production and consuming more quality products and services created on the basis of modern technologies.

The above aims should be achieved by:

The above goals should be achieved with the help of:

  1. Creation of equitable partnership of the major development communities for elaborating and implementing the national strategy of the Russia's transition to the Information Society and corresponding strategies and programs on regional and local levels;
  2. Supporting the development of:
    • Legislative base of the Information Society;
    • Infrastructure of information processing and transfer;
    • Efficient national innovation system;
    • System of training the "knowledge workers" [17];
    • Socially important information resources and services;
  3. Promotion and practical realization of the concepts and technologies of the Information Society, such as:
    • Governance [18];
    • e-Government [19];
    • Networked Society [20];
    • e-Business [21];
    • Distant Learning [22];
    • Digital Library [23] and others;
  4. Active dissemination of innovations, knowledge, and practical experience in the sphere of development on the international, national, regional, and local levels;
  5. Attracting international organizations, sponsors and investors to assist in resolving the developmental problems of Russia and its regions;
  6. Contributing to the mutual strengthening of the international, national, and local initiatives through the active dissemination of experience and knowledge related to the sphere of development.

In order to achieve these goals, the following tasks should be accomplished:

  • Organization of a national and international dialogue on the Information Society and Knowledge Economy development issues through the use of the traditional and electronic media, online forums, conferences and seminars, etc.;
  • Initiation and assistance in implementation of partnership-based programs and projects aimed at the Information Society and Knowledge Economy development;
  • Assistance in self-organization of development communities, integration of knowledge and exchange of practical experience in the sphere development;
  • Organization of public activity to foster the development of the Information Society;
  • Formation of a single methodological and terminological base related to the Information Society development;
  • Implementation of projects and events directed at engaging socially disadvantaged population groups in active use of knowledge and information for development, including the establishment of public access centers and providing basic training for users;
  • Implementation of a system of measures to increase public awareness of the advantages of ICT and knowledge use for development (conducting awareness-raising campaigns and carrying out demo-projects);
  • Organization of consulting services dealing with development opportunities through ICT for various groups of users (decision makers, managers and specialists of different organizations; representatives of small and medium-size enterprises; individuals, etc.);
  • Promoting development and use of the Russian information resources accessible via the Internet;
  • Accumulation and dissemination of expert knowledge on development;
  • Provision of access to high-quality solutions and know-how in the field of development for Russian users;
  • Assistance to the Russian companies in entering the markets of the information products and services;
  • Providing expert knowledge and assistance in developing effective and efficient business models with the use of ICT; organization of experimental facilities for their testing and implementation;
  • Provision of concentrated and coordinated information on the existing programs, projects and initiatives in the development area for potential investors and sponsors as well as for potential applicants.

In addition to the aforementioned tasks, PRIOR aims to achieve the following systemic objectives:

  • Creating an efficient system of coordinating PRIOR activities, supporting active involvement of participants representing government, business, civil society, research and education community, and sponsoring organizations;
  • Supporting the Russia Development Gateway as an efficient environment for cooperation of all driving forces of the development community that facilitate development and an efficient instrument for integration of the expert knowledge in the development area;
  • Creating a system of project financing in the civil sphere, including fundraising and search for investments for the implementation of PRIOR projects and events;
  • Creation of a system of public support for PRIOR activities.

Realization of PRIOR aims and objectives will allow for expanding the existing initiatives on the Information Society and Knowledge Economy development and supporting new types of activity demanded by the society.

3.5. PRIOR Mission

Partnership is an independent, politically neutral community initiative which aims to promote the Information Society and Knowledge Economy development in Russia as well as assist in the implementation of the relevant programs and projects.

Last updated: 2007-10-09
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